A few wise words from our #SASpine CMO, Dr Steven Cyr:
The enemy of great is good. What’s funny, is that in medicine we have a saying, “The enemy of good is great.” It’s what a lot of people use to justify not trying to make something better, settling with “good enough”. I never really adopted that motto, and although I know we have to know our limitations, I always push myself to be great.
I hope no one aspires to just be good at what they do. I do believe we were all put here on earth with a specific purpose and a specific gift that will allow us to be great if we aspire to it. If we serve God instead of ourselves and if we work diligently, putting all of our heart and soul into what we do, I feel we can all be great in our special way.
So do everything as if you were doing it for the Lord, never settling with mediocrity, never being complacent, and telling yourself OK is good enough. When I do surgery, I think of the patient as if it is my family member and I am doing everything for them that I can to please God. I think to myself, “What if this was my mother, or brother, or sister?” What would I do for them? Even more, what would I do if I was working on the Lord and working for the Lord? Aspire to Greatness… ~Dr Cyr
“Put your heart and soul into every activity you do, as though you are doing it for the Lord himself and not merely for others.” Colossians 3:23