A heartfelt testimonials from one of our happy patients Rosa Garcia Mesa.
Omg, Dr Cyr, you just told my story!! (I know u already know it, but I will share it here now.) For 7 years I was on strong pain meds AND many, many, many different kinds of injections with some PT. I saw several surgeons and not one of them wanted to touch my neck or cervical spine; it was too dangerous for me. I became addicted to these meds & never really knew it or was in denial even after 2 withdrawal episodes because I didn’t get my pills refilled on time. 😌. Finally, my pain became too great. Luckily I met you at my cousin’s surgery & you saw me and suggested I come & see you. Right away ur PA assessed my condition & you became my hero. You said it would be TOO DANGEROUS for me not to have surgery. After you operated on me in 2017, you helped me wean off my meds with the help of Dr McKee. It didn’t take very long, but May of that year was the last time I took narcotics. 🤗. You and ur entire #SASpine team of experts gave me back the ability to move without pain. My neck was no longer ‘locked’ and I was able to move around without a neck brace, a cane, or MEDS!!! 👏🏼👏🏼. You will always be my hero in this regard. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. ~ Rosa Garcia Mesa