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Spine Care by SASpine

Q&A: Should I Wait It Out?

By April 26, 2020April 19th, 2024No Comments
Wait It Out

Q&A: My neck is bothering me but I also want to comply with stay-at-home orders. Should I call you guys or wait it out?

It’s very normal for people to feel anxious and fearful right now. I would say the safest answer is to always call if there are any questions. We can help you decide if what you are experiencing is urgent enough for a Clinic visit versus a telemedicine visit. It’s always best to ask instead of taking a chance and having symptoms progress and result in a more permanent deficit. If your symptoms are interfering with normal chores around the home or the ability to sleep, sit, stand, or walk without severe limitations, you should probably call. As always, if your symptoms seem more emergent, such as the loss of bowel or bladder control, or severe or progressive weakness, it is best to call 911 or present to the closest emergency department. ~ Dr Cyr

Don’t wait it out, call SASpine to set up your appointment via TeleMedicine Video or contact us at