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Spine Care by SASpine

Cover Launch Party of SASpine

By December 15, 2019April 4th, 2024No Comments
Cover Launch Party

Many thanks to those who came out to our cover launch party last night. It was very humbling to see the number of patients who believe in and support Dr Steven Cyr’s work. The stories that many of them shared with me about how he has changed their lives and given them hope for their future were heartfelt. I was pleasantly surprised to see our high school Wagner friends there and so very grateful for you all. It just goes to show that you truly can’t “make old friends.” There’s a sense of knowing and understanding there that can’t be explained. It’s just there, as you were last night…and that did not go unappreciated.

We are not in San Antonio full-time anymore. We split our time between Houston and San Antonio due to patient demands in both cities. So when we are in San Antonio we truly appreciate the people who have made an effort to stay in touch and be a part of our lives. It shows that those relationships were not ones of convenience, because it’s certainly not convenient now, but ones of sincerity. As I grow in my old age I certainly make note of these things. ~ LeAnn Cyr, CEO & Founder of SASpine